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Software enigineer

Who we are looking for

We are looking for a candidate that have a good amount of autonomy and responsability, someone who likento get involved and experiment. We look for talents with a strong propensity to problem solving, team work and good communication skills.

What will you do

The fields you can test yourself in are: IoT, Big Data, Virtual & Augmented Reality, Product Configuration Software, PLM, PDM, CRM, Building Automation, Production Software and more.


The ideal candidate has at least 2 years of experience in software development.
Priority will be given to a degree or master’s degree in the following fields of study:

  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • Ingegneria Informatica
  • Computer Engineering and Automation
  • Managerial Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Ingegneria Elettronica
  • Math
  • Statistics


  • Remuneration proportionate to work experience and growth
  • Young atmosphere
  • Food stamps
  • Health insurance
  • Formation

Questions? We are here for you.

Fill out the form or send us an email to info@alexide.com. We will contact you to provide you all the solutions.

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